Committee Success Story: Take Back The Night

Our Area Councils and Regional Committees (Women’s, Human Rights and Young Workers) were faced with quite the challenge these past few months. How do you operate in the midst of a pandemic? Well, they certainly adapted and continued their important work! The Committee Success Stories is designed to highlight the successful work accomplished by our various committees in the Atlantic Region.


The Regional Women’s Committees of Western PEI and Rocky Harbour NL organized respective Take Back The Night events in their local community on September 18.

Take Back the Night is designed to raise the awareness of safety issues for women and children, and to protest the harassment, sexual abuse, and assaults experienced by many women and children in our society. In particular, Take Back the Night is about women reclaiming the right to be free of violence and to be able to walk without fear, particularly at night.

In PEI, members were asked to meet at the East Prince Women’s Information Center in Summerside to then march, escorted by the RCMP, to the monument in Heather Moyse Park placed in memory of the women murdered in the Montreal massacre.

In NL, participants marched from Gros Morne Academy School to the Rocky Harbour Pioneers 50 + Club, escorted by the RCMP. There was a group discussion on the history of Take Back The Night, the need to continue advocating for change and finally the participants watched a video on Take Back The Night.