Directly Chartered Locals

The PSAC is comprised of 15 Components and Directly Chartered Locals (DCLs). DCLs represent members employed by private employers, municipal governments and the academic sector, just to name a few.

This page is dedicated to DCLs. You can download booklets and information sheets that will help you run an effective local. We will also be posting updates on bargaining, campaigns and other information related to DCLs. After all, in the Atlantic Region, we have 18 DCLs:

New Brunswick:
City Hall Employees Association (CHEA) – City of Moncton
Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nation Council
Esgenoôpetitj (Burnt Church) First Nation
Union of Graduate Student Workers (UGSW) – University of New Brunswick
St. Thomas University Support and Administrative Union (STUSAU)
Workers Union of St. Thomas University Student Union (WUSTUSU)
Professional and Technical Staff Union at the University of New Brunswick (PTSU)
School Board Employees Union (SBEU) – Province of New Brunswick, Department of Education

Prince Edward Island:
PEI Commissionaires
University of Prince Edward Island

Newfoundland and Labrador:
Teaching Assistants’ Union of Memorial University of Newfoundland (TAUMUN) – Memorial University

Nova Scotia:
Dartmouth Adult Services Centre DASC Industries
Chrysalis House
Bryony House
Harbour House
Canadian Corps of Commissionaires at the Halifax Bridges and Halifax Regional Police
Association of Dalhousie University Research Employees
Eskasoni First Nation

In the event that the DCLs need an issue addressed at the National Board of Directors (NBoD), they do so via PSAC-Atlantic’s Regional Executive Vice-President (REVP). On the regional level, they can contact their director that represent them at the PSAC-Atlantic Regional Council. Those officers are elected at the PSAC-Atlantic Triennial Regional Convention that takes place every three years.
The current elected officials are:

Chris Di Liberatore, Regional Executive Vice-President
Johnathan Cox, Director for Directly Chartered Locals

Union Meeting – Local 80375 – Commissionaires-HRP

PSAC Regional Office, 172 Garland Ave., Darmouth

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 6pm - 6:30pm (Pizza at 5:30)

PSAC Local 80375 Members (HRP Commissionaires) are invited to a short union meeting to talk about improving your wages and working…


UPEI Local 86000 Meeting Notice- June 13, 2024

McDougall Hall, classroom 246, UPEI

June 13, 2024, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

LOCAL EXECUTIVE ELECTIONS: Local Executive elections will be held for the following positions; An example of the roles and responsibilities of…


University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI)

Graduate Research Assistants, Graduate Tutorial Assistants and Graduate Lab Instructors President: Catherine Doyle Vice-President: Abayomi Ajala Treasurer/Secretary: Krystof Wigmore Chief Shop…