Why the Purple Ribbon?

On Thursday October 25, 2012, members of the NDP caucus will be wearing a purple ribbon in solidarity with public sector workers affected by the recent cuts to jobs and public services.  This initiative originated with a PSAC member, and I am encouraging our members from coast to coast to coast to join in and wear a purple ribbon to demonstrate that we are all affected by the cuts, and we oppose them.

Here’s why.

The idea of wearing a purple ribbon came from Brother Michel Plamondon, a PSAC/UEW member in Québec.  Inspired by the “red square” symbol of the student movement in Québec, he started encouraging members in his Local to wear purple ribbon when the affected letters started pouring in. 

The Québec Region took up the idea and encouraged our members to wear the purple ribbon in the workplace throughout the spring and summer.  Members in Québec then approached their NDP MP with the idea of wearing the purple ribbon, and they agreed to bring the idea to their caucus members.  The latest news is that the NDP will hold a press conference on Thursday October 25th to explain why they are wearing the purple ribbon.  It’s an expression of solidarity with affected PSAC members and with all Canadians affected by the cuts to services and programs.

BECAUSEthousands of PSAC members employed by the federal government are affected by the cuts to federal jobs and services;

BECAUSEthe cuts are putting services, security and the economy of our country at risk;

BECAUSEmembers of the PSAC are willing to stand up and fight back against the federal government’s attacks;

The PSAC is asking our members to wear the purple ribbon to denounce the cuts and the way in which they are being implemented.  We deserve better.  Let’s show it.