SYDNEY, NS – Members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada will greet Peter MacKay this evening at the Victoria Park Base where the Minister is attending a Junior Ranks dinner.
These Veterans Affairs Canada workers will be joined by veterans, community and other PSAC members and hold a candle light vigil to protest cuts to federal jobs and services in the Sydneyarea. They are particularly concerned about the slated closure of the Veterans Affairs Canada’s Sydney Regional Office where they work and the impact this will have on the region’s veterans as well as the local economy.
WHAT: Candle Light Vigil to protest federal cuts
WHEN: 6:45pm, Friday, December 7, 2012
WHERE: Victoria Park Base, Sydney, NS
The Public Service Alliance of Canada is the largest federal public sector union representing upwards of 180,000 workers. The Union of Veterans Affairs Employees is a component union of PSAC.
Contact: Lesley Thompson, PSAC Communications, 902-471-6201