The Moncton Greater Human Rights Committee may be a small committee, but the work they do is amazing!
When they won the first price of $500 dollars in the PSAC snow sculpture contest, they decided to help two local community organizations.
They presented their first donation of $250 to The Humanity Project.
The Humanity Project is a registered non-profit social community for believers that the world cannot change with one person’s actions alone. United regardless of age, gender, race, education, sexual preference, language, social status, religion or political views, they are ready to ignite social change and improve the everyday lives of our fellow human beings. The Humanity Project is the work of community members that help us move towards social development.
According to Charlie Burrell, president and founder of The Humanity Project, « money doesn’t fix problems, people fix problems».
In the first year of their operation, they gave out 87 winter survival bags, fed 141 families, started a community garden, helped out 17 families at Christmas time, collected and distributed two truckloads of toys, and gave out more than 200 coffees and donuts, food, clothing and necessities to people in need.
For more information on The Humanity Project, visit:
For their second $250 donation, the Greater Moncton Human Rights Committee chose to help the Moncton UBU Transgender group.
According to Michelle Leard, spokesperson for the all volunteers UBU Transgender group, stats show that 70% of trans people have consider suicide at one point in their life and that 40% of that 70% have attempted suicide.
This group work on different issues to make it easier for people of the transgender community to come out and avoid prejudice and isolation.
This group is there for transgender people when they need assistance. They help with education, group meetings, presentation in school, direct people to the right services in the community, etc.
At first this donation was going to help UBU (“you be you”) to officially register as a non for profit organization but instead, the group used this donation to go lobby the Provincial Health Minister, Victor Boudreau, on September 10th, to discuss funding of gender reassignment surgery, as New Brunswick is the only province to not provide coverage for this surgery.
The UBU Transgender group is now working on a website. At this point, even without this tool, their group receives an average of 2 e-mails a day with inquiries.