Solidarity with the Muslim Community in Christchurch, Solidarity in the Fight Against White Supremacy and Islamophobia

Our hearts break today in learning of the horrifying murders in New Zealand.  On behalf of PSAC members in the Atlantic Region, I would like to extend our solidarity to Muslim communities everywhere, especially in Christchurch. 

But our rage also grows today and so does our determination to confront, call out, dismantle and disempower white supremacy.  Unions everywhere must be leaders in this urgent fight.  We encourage members to attend vigils in your communities and to offer support where you can. 

As we approach March 21, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we also encourage you to strategize together in your locals and committees on how to confront racism in our workplaces and in our communities.  I would finally like to ask all members to become part of the Canadian Labour Congress “Let’s Talk Islamophobia” campaign.  You can sign up here.

In solidarity,

Colleen Coffey
Regional Execuvtive Vice-President