Report of the Provincial Director for New Brunswick, Darlene Bembridge, February 2013 – September 2013

I was very privileged to attend the New Brunswick Federation of Labour Convention in Saint John on May 27, 28 & 29th.  It was the first time I attended the Convention and it was an honor to meet and work with other activists within New Brunswick from various Unions.  I am also happy to note that NB Federation of Labour now has a Facebook page, join it and see what is going on in NB. 


On June 13, 2013 I arranged a march to the MP-Rodney Weston’s office to show our disgust over Tony Clement’s announcement about our sick leave at the start of Public Service week.  We had PSAC locals and PIPSC locals from across Saint John join us, we were 150 strong arriving at his office.  It was an impressive site. 


The PSAC has been building on the “We are all Affected” campaign, I have been busy talking to members about the effects of the Harper Government and how important the Union is to maintain the standard of living that we have grown accustomed to.  I have been asking people to sign the “Standing together for public services and our rights” cards.  It is an excellent campaign that has the local executives connecting with the membership and having conversations of the strides that Unions have achieved for the membership. 


I met with my MP in Saint John, Rodney Weston.  It was a good meeting, I felt he listened to the concerns we raised and we told him we were tired of being the Conservative’s “punching bag”.  Public Servants are people too and we deserve respect for the services we provide to Canadians. 


As chair of the Finance committee I attended meetings to start planning for the upcoming Convention in June, 2014.  The subsidy amounts have been approved by Council and the call letter will be going out soon.  Plan to be there, it will be a great Convention.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Saint John so I can showcase my own city. 


I am turning into a political junkie, I have read every news article I can find about the Harper Government and I believe the cracks in the regime are starting to show and widen on a daily basis.  The MP from Labrador was not re-elected, he is wearing the senate scandal, it is not going away, the Robocall scandal, the news reports saying Harper’s legacy is not what he built for Canadians but what he tore apart.  We must remember all these things; remind our friends, our families so when it comes time to vote again, it is a vote against Harper. 


There are lots of campaigns on the go where you can participate from the comfort of your own home through Social Media.  “Like and Share” things on Facebook, sign the petitions that are circulating, Tweet about them…these types of actions share the information and it is an excellent way to show your support. 


Please remember I am more than willing to talk or just attend a meeting for your Local.   Send me an email or give me a call, all my information is available on the PSAC Atlantic Website.  Also please join the PSAC Atlantic Facebook page to be kept abreast of all the latest news and the happenings around the Atlantic.  See you all at the next PSAC Atlantic Convention to be held in 2014. 


Let’s all work together…Let’s Stop Harper!    


In solidarity,


Darlene Bembridge