Report Of The Education Committee To The Atlantic Council, February 2012

Lori Walton, Corina Harding, Bill Walsh, Jody LaPierre, Jim Hondas, André Beaulieu, Angela Decker, Shanny Doucet
Staff Liaison: Lise Thibodeau
Introductions were made around the table & individual vision for this committee was shared.
The agenda was reviewed & accepted.  The agenda was presented as:
1)  Roles of Committee
2)  Update on Education program
3)  Financial update 2010-2012
4)  Upcoming Atlantic School:
    •    Organizing Committee, fund-raising, & selection process
5) Committee Chair person

Roles of Committee
The Committees’ roles and Terms of Reference was discussed and reviewed.
A discussion was held on the AFN, (Alliance Facilitator network). It was stressed to use the trained facilitators & mandate this within the Region and Atlantic School as Co-Chairs.
A brief discussion around budget per Regions, and financial restraint was held.
Choice of language for course offerings was clarified in meeting needs of members within respective Regions.
Chair of Committee
Corina agreed to be the Committee’s Chair as she has experience on the previous Education committee. A discussion was held on having a Co Chair & it was agreed that André, a young worker, would assist Corina & be mentored. It was stipulated that the Chair not have to take meeting notes.
AFN (Alliance Facilitator Network)
The AFN was discussed at length.  It was communicated that the AFN is not being utilized to its fullest. It was recommended that the AFN should be mandated to facilitate training in Regions & possibly Co-facilitate at the Atlantic Schools. Lise will provide a list of Afs for each Region so communication can be ensured. It was noted that training for AFN not interfer with the bargaining unit work of the Reps.
Update on Education Program & Financial Report for 2010-2012
Regional plan-The regional education plan is created every three years, and will carry thru Dec 2012 of PSAC Convention year.
As the Education Committee, we will plan a new 3 year plan beginning 2013-2015. Courses and other training to be discussed for the new three year cycle will be discussed during the next committee meeting. Committee members were asked to bring suggestions & recommendations for next meeting.
PEI mental illness course was provided in 2011. Lise will provide an update on this course
There was a question around the Component Educations Fund.  It was communicated that this would include the LOAT (Local Officers Advanced Training and LOT, (Local Officers Training) courses.  A question was also raised concerning subsidy amounts of, $5000 for 2010, $5000 for 2011 and $2000 for 2012. Information provided was that subsidies were available for CLC, (Canadian Labour Congress) courses & schools.

The focus in the last cycle was Steward’s and steward’s training.  2010 was the “Year of Steward” and 2010 Atlantic School was “School of Steward”.
 The budget was raised from $100,000 to $150, 000 for year 2010.  However the budget will remain at $100,000 for the 2012 school. This will decrease the number of participants to the 2012 Atlantic School.
 The budget was provided to the Committee and discussed at length.  The budget for the Atlantic is $536,250 for $178,750 per year. Education included basic courses, i.e. TUB, Steward’s Retreat in fall of 2011, & Atlantic School (advanced) twice in mandate, 2010, & 2012.
2011 shows substantial increase for education costs delivered. Courses like TUB were delivered in two days instead of one. More people were attending courses. Courses were delivered on Friday & Saturday as opposed to Sat & Sun. There was additional cost incurred   for LOS on Friday’s. Hotel costs & room rental costs increased. There was also Steward Retreats in 2011. The Positive outcome is that a lot more members were trained, although a lot of regions overspent in 2011.
It was suggested/recommended that budgets need to be realistic and we can show this in the new budget proposal. Sometimes members could be shift workers and increase cost for LOS and other expenses may cause an increase in spending.
There was a request for a spending report of what was actually spent and members trained and participated in courses in Regions. Lise advised she will provide this information to the committee.
It was clarified that the Stewards Retreats cost, have in the past, and will in future, come out of allocated budget. The Steward Assembly’s   monies will come out of another budget.  According to our budget, in 2012 we only have $115,189.30 so we are realistically short.
Atlantic School
Atlantic School is projected to cost $100,000. Our numbers of participants will be reduced because of funding.
Atlantic School needs an Organizing Committee and will need members from this Committee. It was communicated that being on the Organizing Committee doesn’t automatically provide attendance at the school. Last school this committee forwarded a resolution to allow two members of Education Committee to attend school and the funds came out of the Atlantic budget and not the Education budget. It was recommended that we propose this request again for the 2012 Atlantic School.
Should any of the Education Committee members be interested in being part of the Organizing Committee to let Lise know. Bill & Shanny have expressed interest.
Lise informed the Committee that the CLC will be hosting a school at the University the same time, and she is working with Mary Shortall from the CLC. The School will share the same lunch room and share campaigns. It was suggested to organize an event supporting racially visible persons in the community, in response to the latest incident in the community.
Young Workers retreat will be held at the university two days prior to School.  It was suggested and agreed to have young workers speak at the Atlantic School.
Lise informed the Committee that the RO, (Regional Offices) should be contacting the Education Committee members for selection of applicants for each Region. The REVP, (Regional Executive Vice President) has final say on selection.
If Committee members are interested in attending the school, they will need to apply, even if interested as an AF, (Alliance Facilitator) at the school.

No other business. Meeting adjourned @ 10:45AM

Respectfully submitted,
Members of the Education Committee