Report of the Director for Young Workers, André Beaulieu, February 2012 – September 2012

Brothers and Sisters,
It is with pleasure that I present my Directors report of my activities since the last Council Meeting held in February. A lot has happened since our last meeting both professionally and personally. I have also included my activities with CIU. Here is an overview of these activities:
    •    March 15th PSAC Conference Call
    •    April 25th PSAC Conference Call
    •    May 20th Demo and Site tour in LaColle, Quebec
    This demo was a CIU Activity to publically layout the impacts of the Government cuts to public     safety.

    •    May 22-23 PSAC Atlantic Youth Retreat
    This retreat was a huge success and created many positive relationships     between young     workers.  Thank you to Lesley and Jeannie and all other PSAC staff involved.

    •    May 24-27 PSAC Atlantic School
    For the half of day that I attended it was a success. Unfortunately my health got the best of me     and in turn I missed out on the rest of the School. On this note, I would like to thank the people     that assisted me during this hard time for all the support and help provided.

    •    May 24th to July On leave due to health reasons
    •    July 9-10 PSAC Atlantic Finance Committee Meeting
    •    August 16th PSAC Conference Call
    •    August 28th Meeting with the CBSA Atlantic Regional Director General
    •    August 30th Site tour Windsor, Ontario
    •    September 2nd Pride Parade in Calgary, Alberta

In Solidarity,
Andre Beaulieu
Director for Young Workers
PSAC, Atlantic Regional Council