Participated in teleconference call for Newfoundland & Labrador Federation Labour, (NLFL) Women’s Committee, Jan 4th
Rocky Harbour RWC meeting #1, Jan 15th
Attended Council Education Committee planning Session Jan 18th -20th Halifax
Participated in Women’s Directors Conference Call Jan 31st
Participated in Council Women’s Committee Meeting Feb 8th, Halifax
Participated in Council Education Committee meeting Feb 8th, Halifax
Attended Atlantic Council Feb 9th -10th, Halifax
Participated in National Women’s Conference call Feb 13th
Guest Speaker at Nova Scotia Federation of Labour Women’s Conference, March 1st -3rd Greenwood, NS
Guest Speaker at St John’s RWC IWD luncheon March 8th
Attended Newfoundland & Labrador Federation of Labour, (NLFL) Women’s Committee meeting March 8th -10th, St John’s
Celebrated/hosted Rocky Harbour RWC IWD Luncheon March 11th
Participated in teleconference call Education Sub Committee March 13th
Attended National Day of Mourning Ceremony Corner Brook March 28th
Participated in PSAC Leadership workshop, Moncton, April 11th
Met with Sister Corina Harding NL PSAC Regional rep to rank NL applicants for Atlantic Women’s Conference, April 19th
Attended PSAC Leadership workshop Goose Bay May 01st
Participated in teleconference call Atlantic Women’s Conference organizing Committee, May 8th
Rocky Harbour RWC, Hosted Mother’s Day Service Rocky Harbour, May 12th
Chaired Rocky Hr RWC meeting #2, May 16th
Met with NDP Leader, Sister Lorraine Michael, May 18th
Attended Atlantic Women’s Conference May 24th -26th Antigonish, NS
Participated in National Human Rights Committee Conference Call July 16th
Participated in conference call regarding Alliance Facilitator Network update, Aug 2nd
Rocky Harbour RWC sold NL Tartan scarves for Women’s Shelter at St. Matthews annual “Jiggs Dinner” in Rocky Harbour, Aug 8th
Participated in Conference call for selection of applicants to National Women’s Conference Aug 12th
Participated in Atlantic Council Conference Call August 20th
Rocky Harbour RWC hosted “Take Back Night” Rally Sept 6th
Rocky Harbour RWC members participated in “Walk for Cancer” Corner Brook, Sept 7th
Will be participating in NLFL Women’s Committee meeting St John’s, Sept 13th -15th
Respectively submitted,
In solidarity & sister ship,
Angela Decker
NL Women’s Director