Listed below is a summary of the activities that I participated in since my last report:
Union of Environment Workers (UEW) Regional Conference
UEW President’s Conference
Atlantic Council meeting including attending the Human Rights and Women’s Committee meetings
National Equity Conference
Union Local Meeting to update members on Bill C-4 and the attack on sick leave
National Human Rights Committee Teleconference
On a regular basis, I attend the Regional Women’s Committee (RWC), Area Council, Regional Labour Management Consultation Committee (RLMCC), Regional WFA Committee Meetings, National Women’s Teleconferences, my workplace Duty to Accommodate working group and the local OHSC where I sit as the PSAC employee co-chair.
I look forward to continuing to work with you and would love to hear from you to discuss ways we can improve as well as to answer any questions you may have.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Doyle LeBlanc
PSAC Maritimes Women’s Director