Listed below are the activities that I participated in since my last report:
- Participated in Regional Women’s Committee Meeting in Halifax; the focus of this meeting was to discuss the PSAC Job Cut Fight Back Campaign with an emphasis on how the cuts affect women.
- Attended support rally for Halifax Transit Workers.
- Continued the fight against Bill C-19 which will eliminate the registration of rifles and shotguns and the data that has been collected since 1977 by speaking out and writing to Harper and my MP.
- Assisted at the African Heritage Month event that was organized by the Halifax Human Rights Committee and chaired by Sister Dana Bailey. The guest speaker was Barbara Hamilton-Hinch, and the focus of the presentation was on the history, struggles and achievements of African Nova Scotians.
- Attended the fundraising event for the Partners in the Horn of Africa.
- Participated on a conference call for the national women’s program. We discussed the “How Job Cuts Hurt Women” campaign and Brown Bag workshops and what was being planned across Canadafor the International Women’s Day events.
- Participated in the Atlantic Council meetings. During this time, we had our committee meetings. I was very happy to learn that I would be a member of both the women’s and human rights committees. I am very much looking forward to working with the members and helping to make gains in both of these areas.
- I was the spokesperson responsible for the National Day of Action that took place in front of Queen Squareon March 1. I lead a demonstration to stand up against the Conservative austerity plan and speak out against the devastating impact that the cuts to public services will have on Canadians. We were joined by regional representative, Brother Mark Rogers as well as the media and the police department. J
- On March 6, the Halifax International Women’s Day conference took place. This year’s plans were developed to complement the PSAC’s national fight for Public Services Action Plan. The plenary included keynote speaker Lenore Zann and spoken word artist, El Jones. As the women’s director, I was proud to bring greetings on behalf of the PSAC. Along with many great and informative workshops, we educated the participants on how the job cuts affect women and asked them to stand together to continue to work towards a better women’s agenda.
- The UEW Local 80820 AGMtook place. We were joined by Brother Todd Panas, UEW National President and Brother Bob Ellis, RVP. I was elected Local President.
- Attended the Federal Budget Watch.
- Participated in the HalifaxRWC Planning Workshop.
April: Participated on Regional Council Representatives for Women Conference Call.
May: Attended the Halifax Regional Women’s Committee AGM. I chaired the elections and swore in the new executive.
June: Organized a WFA Lunch and Learn for members of my local. This workshop was facilitated by Brother Alex Stuit, regional representative and was well received.
July: Walked in the Halifax Pride Parade along with GLBT Director, Sister Sandy Cake, my daughters and other PSAC members and their families.
August: Attended the National Day of Action Planning meeting in Halifax.
Other ongoing activities that I participated in on a regular basis during this time included: attending RWC, Area Council, local, RUMCC and the Regional WFA committee meetings; handling grievances and participating on my local OSHas the PSAC Employee Co-Chair.
This report was submitted shortly after the members of the labour community celebrated another successful Labour Day event with a march, guest speakers and a BBQ. The organizers put a lot of work into this event and I always look forward to attending this event with my family.
Happening in the very near future will be the September 15 – National Day of Action events. In Nova Scotiamany PSAC and community members will be hoping on a bus and heading out to Peter MacKay’s office in Antigonish. Events will be happening across Canadato show that we are All Affected and that we are standing together to defend quality public services.
Also happening this month is the UEW Scotia Fundy Regional Conference where I will be attending as a delegate and the National Women’s Program conference call where we will be discussing the pan-Canadian Childcare campaign and Motion 312. This motion calls for a review of the definition of the “human being” and threatens women’s reproductive rights. All are encouraged to contact their MPs to speak against this motion. If you have any questions concerning this or other issues, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I believe we have a difficult and busy time ahead of us, we need to keep working together on the issues that affect women as well as the “We are all affected” campaign to ensure that everyone is aware that attacks on public service workers is an attack on all Canadians and as Canadians we need to demand a better choice.
In solidarity,
Rhonda Doyle LeBlanc
PSAC Maritimes Women’s Director