Report of the Director for Members with Disabilities, Anne Fagan-Wood, February 2013

Since my last report in September 2012, here are the activities and/or events that I was involved with:

 Attended two Greater Moncton Area Council meetings as President and at our AGM in November, I decided to step down from the President Position to concentrate on my position as Director.

Our September 15th event in Bouctouche that I mentioned in my last report as upcoming was a great success. We even had media coverage and a picture of our event made the last copy of the UNION VOICE.

 Also attended my Local AGM in November, where I also stepped down as Treasurer. I want to be able to concentrate on my Director position and not have to divide my attention.

 In December, I had the privilege of attending the Leadership Summit in Ottawa, where I participated in various workshops such as: Mental Health in the Workplace, Duty to Accommodate and Our Union. It was very educational and it gave a great opportunity to network with other leaders within the organization.

 Also in December, the very first National Human Rights Committee meeting was held in Ottawa and it was a pleasure to represent members with disabilities in the Atlantic. During this meeting, we starting planning for the National Access Conference that will be held in November 2013 in Ottawa. It will be called the National Human Rights Conference as all 5 equity groups’ conferences will be held under that umbrella. More information will be sent as its being organized, so keep an eye out for the call-out letter.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year and hope that it brings prosperity and happiness.
Respectfully submitted,

Anne Fagan-Wood
Director for members with Disabilities