Since our last meeting, I have attended the candelight vigil for Dec 6th, meetings of the PSAC Greater Moncton Human Rights Committee in November and January. The January meeting was to try to come up with a plan on how to involve the membership in Human Rights and educate them on the current issues
The winter was pretty quiet, I took part in a national teleconference with my counterparts in all of the regions; we are working on many different activities such as, getting ready for the Pride season, creating a booklet for a safer and more inclusive workplace, we are also working on the History of PSAC regarding GLBT issues, our victories and some of our stories. If you know anyone who would like to share their story for this, please ask them to communicate with me.
I have been forwarding the relevant emails to my membership asking them to take action whenever necessary or to keep them posted on what is happening in the GLBT community. I also forward all emails regarding the different Human Rights Committees across the regions.
On a personal note, I am getting married on April 21, 2012and that is occupying a lot of my time and energies. If I haven’t been as available as usual, that is the reason.
Looking forward in the upcoming Pride season and re-connecting with the membership. It is always a great joy for me to meet the members and to get to know them. It sometimes isn’t the quantity of time spent but the quality, and I always get so much out of those moments.
Respectfully submitted in solidarity and PRIDE,
Sandy Harquail