Here is a summary of my activities for the period in question:
On January 15, the Greater Moncton Area Council met to plan activities proposed for 2013 and to prepare the budget application for the current year.
On January 19 and 20, the Education Committee of the Atlantic Council met at the PSAC office in Halifax to set up an education plan for 2013-2015.
From February 7 to 10, the Atlantic Council met in Halifax.
From March 22 to 25, I took part in the Political Action Conference put on by the Canadian Labour Congress in Toronto. There were over 2500 participants from various Canadian unions.
On April 23, the Greater Moncton Area Council met.
On April 27, I took part in Duty to Accommodate training at the PSAC office in Dieppe.
On May 11, I took part in a leadership meeting in Moncton.
From May 24 to 26, I took part in the Regional Women’s Conference in Antigonish.
On June 4, the Greater Moncton Area Council held a special meeting to prepare a bulletin to be distributed to employees who will be taking part in National Public Service Week activities, despite the boycott message sent by Robyn Benson.
On June 12, the employer organized a BBQ and activities for employees during National Public Service Week. The Greater Moncton Area Council supplied locals with the bulletin prepared by the Committee. In Shediac, the local executive, a local member at the Westmorland Institution distributed the bulletin in the parking lot during the BBQ.
A peaceful rally was held in Moncton on August 8 during Stephen Harper’s visit and attended by a fair number of members from various unions and other organizations. Several press agencies covered the event. Some newspapers published photos and the CBC conducted an interview which it put up on YouTube.
On August 13, the Greater Moncton Area Council met.
On August 24, I took part in the Pride Parade and the ensuing activities at Riverfront Park in Moncton.
On August 28, I took part in a Canadian Labour Congress webinar for the purpose of preparing for the “Together Fairness Works” seminar for union leaders, which will take place in September at various places across the country.
On September 1, I took part in Labour Day activities at Riverfront Park organized by the Moncton District Labour Council.
On September 8, an “Anti-Poo” rally was planned to protest the harmful actions of the Stephen Harper government. The Greater Moncton Area Council set up an information booth. However, the rally was postponed to a later date due to strong winds and heavy rain.
If you have any questions and/or comments, feel free to contact me.
Respectfully submitted,
Shanny Doucet
Director – Francophone Members
PSAC – Atlantic