September 5, 2018
PSAC Members Rally at CFB Greenwood to Protect Local Jobs
GREENWOOD, NS – Members of the Union of National Defence Employees (UNDE), a Component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), will be distributing campaign material to local residents of Greenwood in order to bring awareness to the jobs being contracted out at CFB Greenwood.
PSAC members rally
6 am – 8 am, CFB Greenwood
Entrance to the Base
Greenwood, NS
Friday, September 7, 2018
Affected employees will be on site as well as June Winger, UNDE’s National President and Colleen Coffey, Regional Executive Vice-President for PSAC’s Atlantic Region.
The Unions launched a campaign to put a halt to the privatization of good public service jobs in Greenwood. A letter-writing campaign has been underway, campaign material was delivered to over 7,200 units in the Greenwood area and radio ads have been airing on the local radio stations.
For further information or to pre-schedule interviews:
Sébastien Bezeau, Regional Political Communications Officer, PSAC, (cell) 902.266.8589