New Brunswick Federation of Labour Convention

The 52nd New Brunswick Federation of Labour (NBFL) was held in Saint John from May 24 to 27, 2015. 
Although many N.B. PSAC locals are affiliated with the NBFL, only a small delegation of PSAC participated to this convention. 
If your local is not already affiliated, please contact your PSAC regional office for more details on the advantages to be affiliated.
During this convention, the PSAC members on site elected the two PSAC representatives who are part of the NBFL executive for Unions with more than 5000 members.  Rick Cormier (AGR) and Nathalie Paulin (CEIU) were elected for the next two years.  Joe Blades (UGSW) and Shanny Doucet (GSU) were elected as alternates.
Furthermore, Shanny Doucet, (GSU) was elected by acclamation to the position of Vice President Responsible for Women’s Issues on the NBFL executive.
Many resolutions were debated including an emergency resolution brought forward by the PSAC calling on the NBFL and it’s affiliated to challenge Bill C-59 which was adopted unanimously.