NBFL convention – May 2013

The New Brunswick Federation of Labour (NBFL) held it’s 51st convention in Saint John in May 2013. PSAC National president, Robyn Benson was among the guests speakers and took the opportunity to cover a bit of history on the 100th anniversary of this labour movement.

The PSAC is entitled to two representatives on the NBFL executive based on the number of members affiliated to the NBFL, members in attendance elected their two representatives in caucus on May 28th.  Stanley Thériault (CEIU 60269)was re-elected for another mandate and Nathalie Paulin, (CEIU 60254) will replace Marie Ange Losier for the next mandate.  We are taking this opportunity to Thank Marie Ange for her work in representing PSAC members over the last mandates and congratulate the new elected representatives.  The past NBFL president, Michel Boudreau didn’t re-offer, the NBFL therefore has a new president, Patrick Colford from the Miramichi region for the next 2 years mandate.