NB – Winter Clothing Drive – PSAC Saint John and vicinity Area Council

The PSAC Saint John and Vicinity Area Council organized a gently used winter clothing drive for coats, hats, scarves, boots & mittens from December 20, 2021 to December 31st, 2021.  The amount of items collected in that short and very busy time of the year was overwhelming! We also collected toiletry items such razors, shaving cream, shampoo, conditioner, styling products, lotions, wipes, hygiene products from hotel samples to full size products with an impressive amount collected in 2 weeks! Many reusable bags were also passed along.

The organizations who benefited from these efforts were The Saint John Newcomers Centre and Outflow Men’s Shelter. Newcomers arrive to Canada with only a suitcase and very little winter clothing for our harsh Atlantic winters and the homeless have only what they can carry with them.

We would like to thank the PSAC members from many components for their donations. It may be a small gesture to everyone that donated something but it is a VERY BIG gesture to those receiving the donations. Thank You !!


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