Message from Brian Oldford & Terry Sacrey (PSAC-Atlantic Council)

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

We are writing on behalf of Atlantic Council to all non-treasury board (non-TB) and separate employer members of the PSAC who want their voices heard on the regional council.

The non-TB / separate employer portfolio is very diverse, and its members face unique challenges as they are not subject to some of the benefits of being included under the umbrella of the Treasury Board, or, in the case of separately employed members, even under the Federal Government as a whole.

There is no one conference or convention dedicated to Non-TB / Separate Employer members, so, we, the directors for this sector of the membership, are reaching out to encourage the members to reach out to us with issues you would like raised at the Atlantic Regional Council.

Any issue can be brought to us for discussion at the regional level, however, we do not take grievances, that will be taken care of through your local and component, if applicable. That said, whatever issue you bring to us, we can take a broader look at how it affects all Non-TB / separate employer members in the Atlantic Region.

Given the geographic spread of the Atlantic provinces, there are two directors who represent your interest on the Atlantic council. For Newfoundland, it is Terry Sacrey. For the Maritime Provinces, it is Brian Oldford.

Both of us are dedicated activists who have members’ best interests at heart and want to make the best of the remainder of their terms as directors. We will make every effort to get out to local AGMs, committee meetings, and community events whenever possible. In order to make this most likely, though, we would like you to add our e-mail addresses to your distribution lists, so that we are aware of meetings/events when they are about to occur. Our e-mails are listed below:

Terry Sacrey –
Brian Oldford –

Thank you very much for taking the time to read our message and we are looking forward to helping Non-TB / Separate Employer members in any way we can!

In Solidarity,

Brian Oldford & Terry Sacrey