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What is your job?
Your local union is part of the PSAC. The PSAC has a budget for community events, and often gets used for things like free BBQs, open to all friends and family of Local unions. Would you be interested in a free BBQ? If so, would evenings or weekends be better for you?
Do you have any suggestions for a location (other than your workplace)?
Do you have any suggestions for a different kind of event?
Your collective agreement was negotiated years ago by past coworkers and covers things like work conditions, benefits, and pay raises. Have you ever read your collective agreement? Are you aware of what's in it? Do you have any questions about it?
If you could change anything about your work right now, what changes would you like to see? This could be about anything, feel free to share as many ideas you have.
It's been a few years since your collective agreement expired, so it needs to be renegotiated. While there's no guarantee, you can improve conditions and pay for all your coworkers through this renegotiation. To do it, you'll need to choose a bargaining team of two or three coworkers who are trusted and supported. Your employer has agreed to give some days off for team members to participate on the team. PSAC will pay the team members for their time and provide a PSAC negotiator to help. Would you be interested in learning more about being on your bargaining team? Is there a coworker you think would be good at this? Please select one of the following Yes No I don’t know I’d like to learn more
I think ________ would be a good fit for the bargaining team
The position of your Local President will be open this year. This position is a trusted coworker and a leader who can make sure things are running properly and ask for things on behalf of you and your coworkers. Often, a Local President works with an executive team around them. Would you be interested in being president, joining your executive team or learning more? Is there a coworker you think would be good at this? Please select one of the following Yes No I don’t know I’d like to learn more
I think ________ would be a good fit for the local president
Is there anything you’d like to share about your experience being in your union, or anything you think could be done differently?
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
To plan things like the BBQ, or anything else mentioned in this survey, it is helpful to have a phone number. Would you share your personal phone number to make planning easier? (it won't be shared with anyone outside PSAC)