Letter to Ryan Albright, Covered Bridge Potato Chips

January 7, 2016
Ryan Albright
Covered Bridge Potato Chips
35 Alwright Ct 
Waterville, Carleton County, NB
E7P 0A5
Dear Mr. Albright,
I am writing to you on behalf of 18,000 members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) in the Atlantic Region as we have serious concerns over the labour dispute at your workplace.
For the past two years, your employees who are unionized with UFCW Canada Local 1288P have worked hard in order to reach a first collective agreement in order to improve their working conditions.  The majority of the employees make minimum wage and let us be frank, who can afford to live on minimum wage?
I’m appalled that you went on record to say that you would offer your employees what they are looking for, but never in a union environment.  This is bullying and such form of intimidation is unacceptable.  Let me remind you that in 2007, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that freedom of association contained in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms includes the right to free collective bargaining. 
Your company has received various grants from the federal and provincial government in order to ensure that your business would continue to thrive.  The least you can do in return is respect the law and treat your employees with respect and dignity as they are the ones guaranteeing your success.
Fairness is just as important as freshness when you decide what chips to buy.  Until you return to the bargaining table with a will to bargain in good faith, our 18,000 members will let the chips expire on the shelves.
Jeannie Baldwin
Regional Executive Vice-President, PSAC-Atlantic
cc.: Regional Council