Premier David Alward
Office of the Premier
Centennial Building
670 King Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 1G1
April 11, 2014
Premier Alward,
I’m writing to you on behalf of 6000 PSAC members in New Brunswick. We are deeply concerned with the announced closure of the Morgentaler Clinic to take effect in July.
We are asking the government of New Brunswick to repeal Regulation 84/20, Schedule 2(a.1) which states that an abortion will only be covered by Medicare if:
1. It is performed in a hospital by a specialist in the field of obstetrics or gynecology and that
2. Two doctors have certified in writing that the procedure is ‘medically necessary’.
We would like to remind your government that in its January 28, 1988 decision R.V. Morgentaler, the Supreme Court of Canada did in fact strike down the existing Abortion law as unconstitutional . Abortions are now considered a medical procedure under the Canada Health Act, we therefore strongly urge your government to conform itself to the Law and to repeal Regulation 84/20, Schedule 2(a.1) in order to remove barriers and improve access to safe, publicly funded abortion procedures.
Jeannie Baldwin
Regional Executive Vice-President, PSAC Atlantic
cc.: Hon. Hugh Flemming, Minister of Health
Hon. Marie-Claude Blais, Minister responsible for Women’s Equality