To All PSAC Locals with members in Happy Valley-Goose Bay Area,
The Happy Valley-Goose Bay Area Council is inviting your Local/Component to attend our next annual general meeting, scheduled for Thursday, January 24th, 2013 at the Masonic Lodge from 7 – 9 pm with the hope that you would consider joining your brothers and sisters under the PSAC Area Council.
We have an active Area Council with Locals from SERCO, Canadian Border Services, Service Canada, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development Canada, Fisheries and Oceans, Transport Canadaand Health Canada.
If your Local is interested in joining the HVGB Area Council, you will need to do the following:
Pass a motion of affiliation at a Local meeting and email a copy of your minutes with names of two delegates and two alternates to represent your Local. You must be a Public Service Alliance of Canada union member in good standing to join the HVGB Area Council. At the present time there is no affiliation fee associated with the PSAC HV-GB Area Council.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the undersigned at 896-6150.
Brenda Linstead