Sisters and Brothers,
I encourage you to participate in the International Day of Pink, tomorrow, April 8, 2015. On this day, we invite Canadians to wear a pink shirt to send a message that homophobia, transphobia, harassment and bullying are wrong and will not be tolerated.
Day of Pink began in 2007, as an initiative started by two students in Nova Scotia. These students organized others at their school to wear pink to show their support for a Grade 9 boy who was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. The action quickly caught on and has spread to schools and workplaces across Canada and beyond.
What you can do:
Share our #nobully graphics with your social media networks. (in attachment)
Use the following key messages:
– #nobully—Wear a pink shirt today to show solidarity and send a message that homophobia and transphobia are wrong and cruel and should never be tolerated in the workplace, school or union.
– #enoughisenough—Bullying and harassment make our workplaces unsafe. It’s time to create a new culture of acceptance and inclusion.
– #nobully—Wear a pink shirt today to show solidarity and send a message that homophobia and transphobia are wrong and cruel and should never be tolerated in the workplace, school or union.
– #enoughisenough—Bullying and harassment make our workplaces unsafe. It’s time to create a new culture of acceptance and inclusion.
Work with your health and safety committee to implement an anti-bullying action plan at your workplace or in your local.
Please note: I would also ask that you take pictures for posting on the Atlantic web site / social media and forward the pictures to Sebastien.
In solidarity,
Jeannie Baldwin