Gun Registry: The Fight Continues…

Summer months didn’t stop the USGE/PSAC members in Miramichi from working hard to save their jobs and the long gun registry.

USGE/PSAC members in Miramichi kept busy during the summer months on the fight back campaign against the abolition of Gun Registry (Bill C-391). 
This matter will come up on September 21st when the House will debate the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security’s recommendation to abandon Bill C-391 to kill the registry and the vote on this is expected to be the next day; September 22nd.
The Committee came to this conclusion after hearing sufficient testimony that this bill would dismantle a tool that promotes and enhances public security and the safety of Canadian police officers. PSAC was among the presenters to this committee during the public hearings held earlier this year.
On August 11th, members of USGE local 60001 met with their local MP, Tilly O’Neill Gordon, to discuss their concerns with her, presented her with a petition signed by 1,133 of her constituents and a fight back t-shirt “Keep Federal Jobs in Miramichi”.
On August 19, over 20 members from the USGE local protested when Prime Minister Harper was in town to make his announcement about centralizing the federal pay services in Miramichi by 2016.
On August 24, the local, in collaboration with PSAC, organized a BBQ to thank members for their hard work on the campaign so far and to reinforce the need to keep up the pressure to save their jobs.