N.S. – NS Area Council 1 Annual General Meeting

January 30th, 2025

6:00 p.m. -

Halifax Regional Office

The Nova Scotia Area Council 1 will be holding their Annual General Meeting at the PSAC Regional Office (172 Garland Ave) on January 30th at 6 p.m.

Area Councils carry out the Political Actions for the union.  Area Councils are constitutionally recognized as a direct link to grassroots membership and are one of the bodies that can submit resolutions to PSAC National Triennial Conventions.  Area Councils are also provided a delegate seat to the PSAC National Triennial Conventions.

All seven Executive positions are up for election at this meeting.  The officers of this council consist of a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Direct Charter Locals Representative, a Political Action Representative, and a Regional Women’s Committee Representative(selected by the RWC), all of whom shall be elected from accredited voting delegates and officers in attendance at the Annual General Meeting. These officers shall comprise the Executive of Council.  Please refer to the by-laws linked here for further information on mandate and duties.

The full agenda will be sent out in January, but will consist of Presidents Report, Treasurer Report, Year End Financials and Proposed Budget in addition to the Elections of Officers.

What does a PSAC Area Council do?

The Area Council carries out lobbying of politicians, helps to organize & carry out fightback campaigns & campaigns of a political nature on behalf of the PSAC, & allows discussion with other PSAC activists across component lines.  It gives the PSAC visibility in the community, & it can serve as a link between locals and the Atlantic Regional Council.   It allows direct charter locals convenient access to the PSAC and as well assumes responsibility for social activities for PSAC members and families in the region.

How does my local join the Area Council?

To join a PSAC Area Council you should contact one of the affiliated locals or the Regional Executive Vice President, or the nearest PSAC Regional office.  Membership is voluntary and you may drop by meetings at any time whether you are affiliated or not.  To affiliate you must simply pass a motion of affiliation at a local meeting and mail a copy of this intention to the Regional Executive Vice President and to your component, then drop by the meetings.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Lori Walton