Engaging in the union can advance Aboriginal rights

On September 27-28, 2014, 14 Aboriginal PSAC members came from all over the Atlantic to K’jipuktuk (Halifax) to attend Our Communities, Our Union, Our Rights: An introduction to the PSAC for Aboriginal Members

The training provided a forum for members to discuss critical issues facing Aboriginal people in their union, in their workplaces and in society. It also made space for members to learn from each other’s experiences.  Participants came away with a solid foundation in union basics and a grasp on how to engage in the union to advance Aboriginal rights.

Participants also had an opportunity to connect with Joey Dunphy and Tanna Pirie, the male and female Atlantic National Aboriginal Peoples Circle (NAPC) Representatives. Joey is also the Atlantic Council Director for Aboriginal members.  Find out more about NAPC  here.

The course was opened with a smudge by Thomas Christmas, a former PSAC member, who works at the Mi’kmaq Friendship Centre in Halifax.  Thomas also led opening and closing prayers. We were also fortunate to have Chenise Hache, coordinator of the Loretta Saunders Community Scholarship Foundation, talk to the group about her work, her story, and her friendship with Loretta Saunders. 

Find out more about PSAC’s commitment to Aboriginal rights here.