Employer bullying tactics impact bargaining with PSAC and UCTE at St. John’s Port Authority

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE) has said that the St. John’s Port Authority is bargaining with its workers in bad faith.

PSAC and UCTE are in the process of filing unfair labour practice complaints against the employer. This is due to the employer’s interference with the union’s ability to meet with the bargaining team, and to the unfair treatment of bargaining team members. The union also believes that the employer should let the grievance process be resolved outside of bargaining, as agreed upon by the procedures already in place.

Colleen Coffey, PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President Atlantic, condemns the employer’s actions, “It’s a sad day when the employer goes behind the bargaining team’s back to undermine the process,” said Coffey. “Outstanding grievances are not a bargaining chip for the employer to use against the members.”

PSAC and UCTE are asking the employer to return to the bargaining table, and to respect the bargaining team members the right to meet with their union for bargaining purposes.

“This employer needs to do its job: bargain in good faith, follow the Canada Labour Code, and stop underhanded tactics like demanding grievances be withdrawn before they will sign off on the tentative agreement,” said Chris Bussey, UCTE Regional Vice-President, Atlantic. “They need to stop the school-yard bullying tactics.”