Education Program – NS region – January to June 2017

Course Date and Location Description Information and Registration
Introduction to Being  a Union Steward        

January 21, 2017

PSAC Cal Best Boardroom
287 Lacewood Drive, Suite 301
Halifax, NS                                       

This one-day course will introduce participants to the basic
concepts and practices of  stewarding.                                        
See poster attached for more information
and details on how to register
Talking Union Basics

February 4-5, 2017

PSAC Cal Best Boardroom
287 Lacewood Drive, Suite 301
Halifax, NS                  

This course is the first introduction to the PSAC for all members.  

See poster attached for more information
and details on how to register

Convention Preparation

February 25, 2017

PSAC Cal Best Boardroom
287 Lacewood Drive, Suite 301
Halifax, NS                  

This workshop will introduce activists to the purpose and mechanics of a union convention.  The Why, What and How of conventions is introduced.  See poster attached for more information
and details on how to register  


Grievance Handling

March 4-5, 2017

PSAC Cal Best Boardroom
287 Lacewood Drive, Suite 301
Halifax, NS  

This course provides new PSAC Shop Stewards with essential basics for grievance handling and effective stewarding. See poster attached for more information
and details on how to register

POSTPONED Talking Union Basics

March 25-26, 2017

Sydney, NS 

(venue to be determined shortly)


This course is the first introduction to the PSAC for all members.

See poster attached for more information
and details on how to register
Introduction to Canada Labour Code Part II April 22-23, 2017

PSAC Cal Best Boardroom
287 Lacewood Drive, Suite 301
Halifax, NS  

This course is an Introduction to the Canada Labour Code, Part II.  See poster attached for more information
and details on how to register
Online Training
Webinar – Resolution Writing

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

7 pm ATL / 7:30 pm NL

This webinar will prepare members to draft resolutions to submit to upcoming regional and component conventions. 

Register here:




Webinar – Rédiger une résolution

Mercredi, 1er février, 2017

19h ATL / 19h30 NL

Ce webinar vise à préparer nos membres à régider des résolutions à soumettre au congrès régional ainsi qu’aux congrès des éléments.

Inscrivez-vous ici:

Advanced Program
Unionism on Turtle Island

February 18-22, 2017

Westin Nova Scotian
1181 Hollis Street
Halifax, NS

The Atlantic Region of the Public Service Alliance of Canada is pleased to invite both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal members from the four Atlantic Provinces to apply for a five-day in-residence course called Unionism on Turtle Island.  Deadline for applications Monday, January 9, 2017.  
Advanced Duty to Accommodate Fall 2017
(Date and location to be determined)
Conferences and Conventions
National Equity Conference

March 24-28, 2017

Toronto, Ontario

Atlantic Triennial Convention

June 23-25, 2017

Sain-John, NB

Registration forme: