Dine in the dark

Some members from the Greater Moncton Human Rights committee participated recently in a fundraising activity of the CNIB* where they experienced exceptional food, education and enjoyed a unique dining experience where they were blindfolded giving them the opportunity to rely solely on their sense of touch, taste and smell.

«The human rights committee recommends this activity to anyone that can afford to go, the tickets were 75$ per person, the food is very good and the experience is worth every penny.»…Sandy Cake, Chair of the Human Rights committee

* CNIB is a registered charity, passionately providing community-based support, knowledge and a national voice to ensure Canadians who are blind or partially sighted have the confidence, skills and opportunities to fully participate in life. All proceeds from this evening helps with programs and services for New Brunswickers who are blind or partially sighted gain the confidence, skills and opportunities to fully participate in life