Denounce cuts to veterans’ services
Times & Transcript
06 May 2014
To The Editor:
On April 30, Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe Conservative MP Robert Goguen rose in the Parliament to highlight the efforts of a local veterans association in his riding. Although I am grateful that he can recognize the efforts of local veterans associations, I’m quite perplexed as action speaks louder than words.
How does Robert Goguen support veterans? By cutting services provided to the same veterans. Under this Conservative government they shut down Veterans Affairs offices across Canada, thereby eliminating face-to-face services those offices provided. Veterans have the respect, admiration and support of Canadians; we would hope that Robert Goguen could also show that same level of support through meaningful action and ask his Conservative government to reverse the cuts delivered to our men and women in uniform. Our Union represents the employees of Veterans Affairs Canada, we know exactly how these cuts will jeopardize the well-being of our veterans and that’s why we are working hand-in-hand with local veterans’ organizations with their battles with this government. I can only hope next time Robert Goguen stands in the House of Commons that he will denounce the cuts his government made to services provided to the veterans of this country. If not, our members at Service Canada will gladly serve him when he applies for his employment insurance benefits in 2015.
Jeannie Baldwin,