Day of Action: September 19, 2015

New Brunswick
Moncton: Members of GSU 60009, CEIU 60262, AGR 60005, UNE 60100, USGE 60142 & 60146 and the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) and the Association of Canadian Financial Officers (ACFO) distributed coffee, muffins and Elections Canada flyers. Thank you to PIPSC for their help in organizing this event! // Members of CEIU 60262 distributed Elections Canada flyers to the members.
Shediac: Members of GSU 60018 organized a plant gate to distribute information kits.
Miramichi: Members of CEIU 60256 were given water bottles and ice cream to celebrate the Get Out and Vote Day.  // Members of GSU 60011 organized a plant gate and distributed Elections Canada flyers. // Members of USGE 60001 organized a desk drop to distribute Elections Canada flyers.
Saint John: Members of UTE 60005 distributed Elections Canada flyers and grabbed some chalk and decorated some sidewalks to encourage voting.
Grand Falls: Members of AGR 60063 organized a family BBQ and distributed Elections Canada flyers.
Dorchester: Members of USGE 60020 & 60128 organized a rally during their lunch break.
Gagetown: Members of UNDE 60303 organized a BBQ and members of UNDE 60380 joined them.

Bathurst: Members of CEIU 60254 organized a plant gate and distributed Elections Canada flyers.

Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John’s:  Members of CEIU 90113 organized their 17th consecutive rally! PSAC National President, Robyn Benson, was in attendance.

Nova Scotia

Sydney: Members of CEIU 80226 and UTE 80004 organized a rally during their lunch break.
Halifax: Members of UVAE 80004 organized a plant gate and handed out Elections Canada flyers and sesame snaps. // Members of UTE 80003 organized a plant gate to distribute information in relations to the federal election. // Members of UNE 80178 organized a plant gate and handed out Elections Canada flyers.
Dartmouth: Members of UVAE 80041 distributed Surprise Bags which contained treats and Elections Canada flyers.
Bridgewater: Members of CEIU 80215 organized a demo for 19 minutes in front of their local Conservative candidate’s office.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: Members of UVAE 90001 distributed Elections Canada flyers and made a donation to their local food bank.