As you know, the next federal election will be held on October 19, 2015. On the 19th of every month, we are asking our members to be creative in highlighting the number 19.
All events will be held, rain, snow or shine!
Tuesday May 20: Pictures of the event
Thursday June 19: Pictures of the event
Friday July 18: Pictures of the event
Tuesday August 19: Pictures and video of the event
Friday September 19: Pictures and video of the event
Friday October 17: Pictures of the event
Wednesday November 19: Pictures of the event
Friday December 19: Pictures of the event
Monday January 19: Pictures of the event
Thursday February 19 Pictures of the event
Thursday March 19 Pictures and videos of the event
Friday April 17 Pictures of the event
Tuesday May 19 Pictures of the event
Friday June 19 Pictures of the event
Friday July 17 Pictures of the event
Wednesday August 19 Pictures of the event
Friday September 18 Pictures of the event
Monday October 19 VOTE