CRA: Public Interest Commission Dates Set

As per the Public Service Labour Relations Act, CRA filed for a Public Interest Conciliation (PIC) earlier this year following the breakdown of mediation talks. Since that time, we have submitted our list of outstanding issues , named our representative for the Public Interest Commission (PIC) and waited for the PIC Chair to be named and to set hearing dates.

Our Bargaining Team has also conducted dozens of general membership meetings across the country to discuss negotiations. Over that same period of time, the CRA has sent two communications directly to CRA employees in an effort to undermine our efforts to both negotiate a fair collective agreement and defend our hard-fought gains.

On Tuesday, the Public Service Labour relations Board contacted us with confirmed dates for a hearing to be held at the Public Service Labour Relations Board October 8 and 9. Under federal legislation, the PIC has 30 days following the hearing to submit its recommendation.

This deadline can be extended if deemed necessary by the Chair of the Labour Board. The PIC’s recommendations are non-binding. As we have said from the outset of this round of negotiations, our Bargaining Team’s job is to achieve protections for PSAC/UTE members at CRA – including a three-year agreement and ensuring that cuts to our sick leave cannot be put on the table for negotiation this year.

CRA and the Harper government want a two-year agreement so that they can propose cuts to our sick leave. Our position is three years – and no cuts to our sick leave. We look forward to making our case before the Public Interest Commission.

If you have any questions or concerns, speak with your Local President, UTE RVP or a bargaining team member. 

The Executive Council of UTE met on June 2nd to discuss the current state of our Union /Management relations. We believe that your email message of May 28, 2014 showed a lack of respect to the UTE, its members, and the bargaining process in general.  Furthermore, the fact that I, as the National President, was given no advance notice of this email being sent to ALL Agency employees, was a personal insult to me and the working relationship that we have been attempting to build.  

Memo from UTE President Bob Campbell

As a result of the deteriorating state of our national relationship, the UTE Executive Council has resolved to boycott all National Union/Management Consultation Committee meetings until a collective agreement is signed.

I would be remiss if I did not point out that this action is not being taken lightly, and we are very concerned about the lack of progress in negotiations and the lack of respect shown to our members by this Agency. You have come to the table with a predetermined mandate and have made little attempt to reach a settlement.

Consequently, we will not be attending the previously scheduled NUMCC on Thursday June 5, 2014.