Committee Success Story: Pride of being a public sector worker

Our Area Councils and Regional Committees (Women’s, Human Rights and Young Workers) were faced with quite the challenge these past few months. How do you operate in the midst of a pandemic? Well, they certainly adapted and continued their important work! The Committee Success Stories is designed to highlight the successful work accomplished by our various committees in the Atlantic Region.


Regardless of their location, PSAC members talk to one another in order to exchange ideas. Chris Di Liberatore, Chairperson of the NS Area Council 1, noticed that members in British Columbia had access to lawn signs that thanked public sector workers for their work. He thought it would be a great initiative to implement in the Atlantic Region. He raised the idea with the Regional Executive Vice-President, Colleen Coffey, who ensured that those signs would be made available to all Area Councils in our Region.

We managed to order the signs and to distribute them safely to members and workplaces who wanted to highlight the valuable work of PSAC members.

(Colleen Coffey, Regional Executive Vice President, PSAC-Atlantic)