Chris Di Liberatore elected as Regional Executive Vice-President of PSAC Atlantic

Chris Di Liberatore has been elected as PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President-Atlantic! Delegates to the 9th Atlantic Regional Triennial Convention also elected Denise Reynolds as alternate Regional Executive Vice-President.

“Thank you to the delegates of convention for electing me to the position of Regional Executive Vice-President for the next three years! I look forward to continuing our union’s work with all the members of PSAC Atlantic.” said Chris, “We will continue the work of creating a diverse and inclusive union. I know that together we will make gains for all workers, and the greater labour movement.”

Chris has been an activist for nearly 20 years. He was hired with the Canada Revenue Agency in 2002 and became involved in the union as a picket captain during the 2004 CRA strike, where his passion for the labour movement was ignited!

Chris assumed the role of regional executive vice-president in January of 2023 and sits on the Alliance Executive Committee, where he represents members in the Atlantic and helps set PSAC’s national direction. He chairs and coordinates the work of the PSAC Atlantic Regional Council. 

Chris would like to welcome all of the new members to the Atlantic Regional Council, “Congratulations to the members of our new regional council. This convention we saw elections in every caucus, and I am grateful to everyone who ran for a position. I hope that even if unsuccessful, you will continue to be leaders in this union.”