Canadians waiting too long for benefits
Service Canada has hit a new low when it comes to providing service to the citizens of Canada. The revised Employment Insurance workload, the work load that encompasses decisions on everything but new initial and renewal claims, fell to its lowest point ever. This after 3,400 hardworking employees who serve Canadians received letters in the last two years, under work force adjustment, that their services are not needed.
If you are one of the 245,000 Canadian citizens in this workload, chances are you could be one of the 201,000 who are waiting over the 29-day acceptable standard with many being months and months longer.
How are Canadians expected to cover their rent, mortgage and other basic needs with no income for months? There will also be a reduction of hours for employees across the country who work in the Canada Pension/Old Age Security call centers for seven weeks starting this week.
Thirty-eight of the 52 employees in the Bathurst call centre are reduced to part-time hours and this will happen again in the fall. Are they part of the $10 million reduction of salaries to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Atlantic this year? Many would say, why are citizens not complaining more? Many have told us that they are fearful to complain, because of the new initiative to send investigators out to knock on your door and harass citizens who are in despair. They fear being targeted for speaking up.
Jeannie Baldwin