This award is presented to members who have provided exemplary service or have been role models and mentors for our members. The recipients were presented with their award at our Regional Convention. Congratulations to the recipients:
- Jill Power, UCTE Local 90940
She’s been working for the federal government for 10 years and have been a proud PSAC activist for 9 of those years and she’s been a mentor to the members of her local and region.
- Keith Parsons, UCTE Local 90915
He provides guidance, support and representation to his members on a daily basis. He also served on the TC bargaining team for the last two rounds of negotiations.
- Marc Blanchard, UHEW Local 60067
He played various roles within his own local and Component, helped re-establish the Saint John and Vicinity Area Council and he served on the TC bargaining team.
- Theresa MacInnis, CEIU Local 80204
Served on various committees of her union and component where her leadership and dedication was witnessed by her union brothers and sisters. This year, she is retiring after decades of tireless service to her union.
- Laurie MacPhail, CEIU Local 90153
She’s been an active union member for 37 years! A role model and mentor to her members, she held various roles within her local and Component.