Atlantic Voice Award

To:      All Locals/Branches, RVP’s, NVP’s, Regional Women’s Committees, Human Rights Committees, Young Worker’s Committee and Area Councils

From: Jeannie Baldwin, Regional Executive Vice-President – Atlantic, Public Service Alliance of Canada

Date:   March 14, 2017

Re:      Atlantic Voice Award

Below, please find the guidelines and nomination form for the Atlantic Voice Award.

This award is presented to members who have provided exemplary service or have been role models and mentors for our members. The successful nominees will be presented with their awards at the 7th Triennial PSAC Atlantic Regional Convention.  For those members who may not be in attendance at Convention, their awards will be presented at their respective Annual General Meetings.

If you are aware of someone who fits the criteria and wish to nominate them for this award, please ensure that the nomination form reaches my office no later than Wednesday, April 19th, 2017.

In Solidarity,

Jeannie Baldwin
Regional Executive Vice-President