Atlantic Pow Wow Trail information for PSAC Aboriginal members and allies.

Pow Wow Trail Dates and Events 2012 (Updated May 26 ~ 9:40-PM)
Atlantic Pow Wow Trail information for PSAC Aboriginal members and allies.

(Provided by PSAC National Aboriginal Peoples’ Circle Atlantic Male/Female reps: Joey Dunphy; Barbara Paul and PSAC Atlantic Aboriginal Director: Charlene Vidito-Milne) .

Pow Wow Trail Dates and Events 2012 (Updated May 26 ~ 9:40-PM)
Atlantic Pow Wow Trail information for PSAC Aboriginal members and allies.

(Provided by PSAC National Aboriginal Peoples’ Circle Atlantic Male/Female reps: Joey Dunphy; Barbara Paul and PSAC Atlantic Aboriginal Director: Charlene Vidito-Milne) .

Pow Wow Trail Dates and Aboriginal Annual Festival and Celebration Dates and Events 2012. If you have never ever been to a Pow Wow you should try and attend one. The experience alone will be greatly appreciated. Everyone is Welcome to Attend. Some Restrictions May Apply. Safe to Call First. Safe Driving. Look out for the Deer and the Moose.
Pow Wow dates are subject to change. Please contact the individual Pow Wow organizers when making plans to attend such events listed below. As I get more updates and changes I will e-mail the updates and changes out to you. If you are aware of any other Pow Wows or Festivals or Celebrations ~ Please let me know and I will add to my list. Dennis Three Feathers at (506) 543-4114.

Pow Wow Trail Maritime Provinces
… June 2 to 3 * Pictou Landing Annual (Nova Scotia) Pow Wow ~ (902) 752-1918 or 754-3726
… June 9 to 10 * Abegweit Mawiomi (Scotchfort PEI) Pow Wow ~ (902) 314-6047
… June 15 to 17 * Saint Mary’s First Nation (Sitansisk) Pow Wow ~ (506) 458-9511
… June 29 to July 1 * Eskasoni Pow Wow in Nova Scotia ~ Leroy Denny (902) 578-9190
… July 6 to 8 * Pabineau First Nation (Oinpegitjoig) Pow Wow ~ (506) 548-9211
… July 20 to 22 * Eel Ground First Nation (Natoaganeg) Pow Wow ~ (506) 627-4600
… July 21 to 22 * Eel River Bar (Ugpi’ganjig) Pow Wow ~ (506) 684-6272
… August 3 * Listuguj Wellness Fair before the Pow Wow on August 6 to 7 (418) 788-2136
… August 4 to 6 * Listuguj Pow Wow (Moffat Landing) ~ Band Hall (418) 788-2136
… August 10 to 12 * Gesgapegiag Mawiomi ~ Pn’nal (418) 759-3442
… August 10 to 12 * Indian Island (Elno Minigo) Rexton area Pow Wow ~ (506) 523-4875
… August 10 to 12 * Lennox Island Pow Wow in PEI ~ Tiffany Sark (902) 439-5654
… August 18 to 19 * Panmure Island (PEI) Pow-Wow ~ Jamie Gallant (902) 892-5314
… August 24 to 26 * Burnt Church (Esgenoopetitj) Pow Wow ~ (506) 776-1201
… August 31 to Sept 2 * Big Cove (Elsipogtog) Pow Wow ~ (506) 523-8222
… August 30 to Sept 3 * Tobique (Negootkook) Pow Wow ~ (506) ???

TBA (To Be Announced) ~ N/A (No Answer) ~ N/N (No Number)

… TBA * Red Bank (Metepenagiag) Pow Wow ~ (506) 836-6111
… N/A *
… N/N * Tobique (Negootkook) Pow Wow ~ (506) ???

NOTE * Saint Mary’s First Nation, Oromocto First Nation , Kingsclear First Nation are having their Pow Wow together on June 15 to 17 ~ (506) 458-9511

Pow Wow and Festival Trail Canada Pow Wow Trail USA
Online Pow Wow Trail List in Canada Online Pow Wow Trail List in USA

Pow Wows and Festivals (USA and Canada) Canada Pow Wow Listings
Online Pow Wow List in the USA


Pow Wow Listings California Pow Wow Listings

What is Pow Wow by Three Feathers