JUNE 2013 |
Date(s) |
Event |
Location |
3 |
Leadership Meeting re: WAAA Campaign |
Halifax R.O |
3 |
Meeting with the National Human Rights Committee |
Teleconference |
4 |
Meeting wth the Public Service Dental Board Care Plan |
Teleconference |
6 |
Union of Solicitor General Eployees, Local Union Meeting |
Truro, NS |
10 |
Meeting of the Alliance Executive Committee |
Videoconference |
11 – 14 |
Meeting of the National Board of Directors |
Teleconference |
17 |
Radio Interview with “MacLean in the Morning, NB Radio” re: “Sick Leave” |
Halifax |
17 |
CBC Radio Interview on “Todd Veinot Show” re: “Sick Leave” |
Halifax |
21 |
Meeting with City Hall Employees Association (CHEA) re: Status of negotiations |
Teleconference |
22 |
Guest at Union of National Employees Regional Seminar |
Dartmouth, NS |
22 |
Guest at Agriculture Union’s Regional Seminar |
Halifax, NS |
24 |
Meeting with the Alliance Executive Committee |
Videoconference |
26 |
Meeting with NS Federation of Labour re: Provincial Eelction and results of NSFL opinion polling |
Halifax, NS |
26 |
Teleconference re: St.John’s Airport Strike |
Teleconference |
27 |
Teleconference re: St.John’s Airport Strike |
Teleconference |
JULY 2013 |
Date(s) |
Event |
Location |
3 |
Union of National Employees, Workplace meeting re: WAAA Campaign |
Cheticamp, NS |
4 |
Meeting with Union of Postal Communications Employees |
Teleconference |
4 |
Meeting with Atlantic Regional Council Finance Committee |
Halifax R.O |
5 |
Meeting with Atlantic Regional Council Finance Committee |
Halifax R.O |
5 |
Teleconference re: St.John’s Airport Strike |
Teleconference |
8 |
Meeting with the Alliance Executive Committee |
Teleconference |
8 |
Teleconference re: St.John’s Airport Strike |
Teleconference |
9 |
Teleconference re: St.John’s Airport Strike |
Teleconference |
17 |
Meeting with the NHRC Resolutions Committee – PWD |
Teleconference |
15 – 31 |
Annual Leave |
Annual Leave |
AUGUST 2013 |
Date(s) |
Event |
Location |
1 – 2 |
Annual Leave |
Annual Leave |
8 |
Local Meeting at USGE Westmorland Institution |
Dorchester, NB |
8 |
Attended a PSAC rally that was organized around a Conservative event Harper was attending |
Moncton, NB |
10 |
PRIDE Parade |
Sydney, NS |
12 |
National Women’s Conference teleconference to discuss delegate status |
Teleconference |
14 – 16 |
Meeting re: St.John’s Airport strike |
St.John’s, NL |
21 |
Breakfast meeting with Kyle Buott, Halifax-Dart & District Labour Council to discuss Provincial Election |
Halifax, NS |
22 |
Meeting with the Alliance Executive Committee |
Teleconference |
24 |
PRIDE Parade |
Moncton, NB |
27 |
Lunch meeting with Local President of Halifax Airport Commissionaires |
Halifax, NS |
28 |
Annual General Meeting with Local 80375 (HDBC & HRP Commissionaires) |
Dartmouth, NS |
Date(s) |
Event |
Location |
3 – 6 |
Annual Leave |
Leave |
9 – 11 |
Meeting with the Alliance Executive Committee |
Halifax (videoconference) |
10 |
Town Hall Meeting – TC Strike Vote |
Dartmouth, NS |
12 |
Teleconference to discuss Regional Conventions |
Teleconference |
12 |
Town Hall Meeting – TC Strike Vote |
St.John’s, NL |
13 |
Meeting re: Hfx Airport Commis. With Barney Dobbin (Federal Mediator) & Anne James (HR Director, Commisionaires) |
Halifax, NS |
16 |
Town Hall Meeting – TC Strike Vote |
Moncton, NB |
17 |
Convention meeting with REVP Executive Office staff |
Halifax, NS |
18 |
Guest speaker at UNDE Training Session |
Dartmouth, NS |
24 |
Meeting with Local President of NB&PE Commissionaires Local 90140 |
Charlottetown, PE |
26 |
Meeting with UNDE Local 80406 re: Bargaining Process |
Halifax, NS |