65 delegates and guests gathered this past weekend in Gander for the 9th NL Triennial Regional Women’s Conference. The event brought together women activists from all overNewfoundland and Labrador and provided an opportunity to interact, discuss and take action on issues of importance.
The conference started on Friday with an Aboriginal opening and a performance by the Exploits Native Women’s Association. It featured a a panel on pay equity, child care and pensions with Michelle Cohen from CUPE Atlantic Region, Mary Shortall NL Representative with the Canadian Labour Congress and Andrée Côté, Women’s and Human Rights Officer from PSAC National Office.
Speakers at the conference included Barb Byers, First Vice-President of the Canadian Labour Congress and Lana Payne, President of the NL Federation of Labour. An Action Centre was set up to allow delegates to take action to save the gun registry by having them email a letter along with their picture to personalize their message to NDP leader Jack Layton asking him to whip his party. Delegates also took part in the Make Poverty History Stand Up event by reading the pledge asking our government to do their part to eradicate poverty and hunger.
Delegates unanimously supported a resolution that call on PSAC to build a PSAC Women’s Action Plan. The resolution will go to the upcoming National Women’s Conference in Ottawa in October 2010.