Solidarity rally for striking workers at St. John’s Airport

ST. JOHN’S, NL – Labour and community will rally in solidarity with striking workers at St. John’s Airport at 12 noon, Thursday.  85 members of PSAC/UCTE local 90916 have been on strike since September 11, 2012. 

PSAC Atlantic Regional Executive Vice-President Jeannie Baldwin, Union of Canadian Transportation Employees Regional Vice-President Wayne Fagan and Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour President Lana Payne will be in attendance.

What:              Solidarity rally for striking workers

When:             12pm, Thursday, December 13, 2012

Where:            St. John’s Airport

These workers are proud members of the Union of Canadian Transportation Employees, a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, a national union with over 180,000 members.  

Contact Lesley Thompson, Communications Officer, PSAC, 902-471-6201