Once again it is an honour to be your director and to report on my activities for this period:
February – Attended Atlantic Regional Council Meeting and was elected as chair of the Health, Safety & Environment Committee.
March – Attended the budget watch at the Italian Club in Halifax. I also attended the Union of Taxations Presidents conference discuss many issues that are facing members at
April – On leave
May – Participated in the UTE employment opportunities conference and received training on employment equity training with
June – Took part in thr organizing drive for new members at the Universityof New Brunswick.
July – Helped to organize a BBQ with all PSAC locals in the downtown area of Halifaxaround the cuts to public services and the “we are all affected” campaign. I also attended the Halifax Pride Parade. Lastly for July, I was appointed as PSAC Representative for the NS Federation of Labour Health and Safety committee.
August – Attended a Labour Day meeting to help organize this event. Also attended the Dartmouth East BBQ to discuss issues with MP Robert Chisholm. NS Area Council 1 held an Area Council Meeting for which I attended.
September – Participated in the Halifax Labour Day event. Also attended meetings to help organize the Day of Action for Sept 15th.
I have also participated in several teleconference calls with the Atlantic Regional Council within this period.
I also maintain the position of local president for UTE local 80003, Vice President of Nova Scotia Area Council 1 and sit on a number of committees within my employer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian Oldford