Report of the Director for New Brunswick, Jim Hondas, June 2011-January 2012

Below are the activites I have taken part in since my election as Director for New Brunswickin June 2011 at the Atlantic Regional Convention.

– Attended Greater MonctonArea Council Meetings;

– Attended Miramichi Area Council Meetings;

– Attended a seminar in Bathurstwith Dr. Martin Shain on psychological safety in the workplace. This was an execeptional seminar and in my opionion a must for all workplaces. This seminar could be a focus point by the Allianceand the Atlantic Regional Council to intergrate into a work shop for our members on a larger scale. This type of training/knowledge on workplace safety is extremely benefical to our brothers and sisters that are on the front lines.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jim Hondas
Director for New Brunswick