Report of the Director for GLBT Members, Sandy Harquail, February 2012 – September 2012

Since our last Council meeting, the Pride season came and went. I had the privilege to participate in the Halifax 25th Pride Parade, which was a huge hit with many participants and a lot of people in the streets.  I also walked proudly with our rainbow flag in the streets of Fredericton, for the very first time. The parade was in the streets with the blessing of Fredericton’s City Council; it was a beautiful moment in history.    I must admit to not being as active as I usually am, as I lost my father in July and my brother in law battled and lost his fight to cancer in September, my wife and I were the primary care givers and it took a lot of our time.

The Moncton Human Rights Committee vice-chair took over the last meeting in July to prepare for the Moncton Pride Parade, as I was unable to attend both.  We are preparing the next meeting which should occur in October, one of the Committee members, Brother Farid Tourkmani was one of the delegates to Guatemala, and he enjoyed his experience and will make a presentation to our committee.

My report is shorter than usual; however, it is presented with Solidarity and Pride,

Sandy Cake
GLBT Director for the Atlantic Region