Les activités que nos membres ont organisées pendant la Semaine nationale de la fonction publique ont reçu une excellente couverture médiatique dans toutes les provinces de notre région. Nos membres ont organisé des manifestations devant les bureaux des députés fédéraux, des collectes de fonds, des distributions de tracts, etc.
Lire le survol des médias:
The Bend: http://919thebend.ca/news/212678361/problematic-pay-system-prompts-psac-rally
Téléjournal Acadie (TV) at the 16:52 mark: http://ici.radio-canada.ca/…/le-telejournal…/2016-2017/
The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.pe.ca/news/local/2017/6/14/federal-employees-on-p-e-i–boycott-public-service-workers-week.html
The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.pe.ca/news/local/2017/6/13/psac-members-boycott-national-public-service-workers-week-with-b.html
CBC: at the 7:35 mark http://www.cbc.ca/…/cbc-compass-june-13-2017-1.4159375
Global TV: at the 6:04 mark: http://globalnews.ca/halifax/videos/
CBC Here and Now TV: at the 8:55 mark: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/programs/hereandnow/cbc-here-and-now-june-15-2017-1.4163064
The Telegram: http://www.thetelegram.com/news/local/2017/6/15/phoenix-continues-to-fizzle.html
CBC News: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/phoenix-protest-seamus-oregans-office-1.4161946
NTV: http://ntv.ca/federal-workers-rally-for-ottawa-to-fix-phoenix-payroll-system/
NTV: at the 3:43 mark: http://ntv.ca/programs/news-programs/eveningnewshour/
VOCM: http://vocm.com/news/oregan-says-gov-working-on-phoenix-system-but-more-rallies-today/
Acadie Nouvelle:
Une trentaine d’employés de la fonction publique à Moncton ont dénoncé la situation, lundi midi. – Acadie Nouvelle: Anthony Doiron
Les fonctionnaires fédéraux en ont assez des problèmes récurrents de leur système de paie, Phénix. Ils étaient une trentaine à manifester leur mécontentement devant les bureaux de Pêches et Océans Canada de Moncton, lundi midi.
Joanne Leger en a assez. La gestionnaire subit des problèmes avec sa rémunération depuis des mois. Elle occupe de nouvelles fonctions et attend toujours d’être payée ce qui lui est dû. Son taux horaire n’a pas été ajusté.
«Je travaille, je m’acquitte de mes tâches, mais on ne me donne pas l’argent qui doit m’être donné.»
Joanne Leger est l’une de près de 1000 fonctionnaires privées en partie ou complètement de son salaire en raison de pépins au système de paie Phénix, implanté en février 2016. Plusieurs histoires d’horreur ont fait les manchettes des médias au cours des derniers mois, concernant cette affaire.
«Il y a des gens qui n’ont pas été capables de faire leurs paiements de maison et qui ont été saisis par la banque. D’autres étaient en congés maladie et n’ont pas été payés du tout. Pouvez-vous imaginer le stress que ça nous cause?»
Joanne Leger souhaitait prendre un congé pour se ressourcer, mais s’abstient, craignant de ne plus recevoir d’argent en raison des pépins techniques.
«Je me prive de mon droit à cause du système de paie. C’est simplement inacceptable. C’est impensable que le gouvernement fédéral laisse durer cette situation aussi longtemps.»
L’Alliance de la fonction publique du Canada multiplie les moyens de pression auprès du gouvernement fédéral pour faire bouger le dossier. Les représentants demandent le remboursement immédiat des fonctionnaires, avec intérêts, en plus des frais engagés en raison des problèmes du système Phénix.
Joanne Leger demande à la sous-ministre des Services publics et de l’Approvisionnement responsable du dossier, Marie Lemay, d’agir rapidement.
«Les employés de la fonction publique sont très fiers de leur travail. La plupart de nous rentrent travailler même s’ils n’ont pas reçu leur dû, mais nous n’avons pas le respect que nous devrions avoir de notre employeur. La situation a assez duré.»
Times and Transcript:
A paycheque almost double what is normal may sound like an appealing prospect unless you have to pay half of it back and deal with all the associated tax complications.
That’s the situation Jenni McDermid found herself in as a result of the federal government’s troubled Phoenix payroll system.
The computerized system was launched in February last year. Since then, thousands of civil servants have reported missed payments, underpayments and overpayments.
“I was double paid for several months so instead of receiving one paycheque, I was receiving two, which I then had to repay,” said McDermid, who works for Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
An email from the federal pay centre stated she was required to repay the gross amount of the overpayment, meaning she is out the taxes paid on her salary until her tax return is filed.
And this year, the overpayment issue wasn’t resolved prior to tax documents being issued.
“Luckily, I had savings I was able to take from to pay it back and hope everything gets fixed next year when it comes time for income taxes,” she said.
McDermid was one of more than two dozen federal workers who rallied in Moncton on Monday on the Université Avenue sidewalk across the street from Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre.
“Fix Phoenix now. Fix Phoenix now,” employees with placards chanted outside Fisheries and Oceans Canada office.
Phoenix has missed three of Patricia Hanley’s payments since she start a job with Fisheries and Oceans Canada in December.
“It messes with your planning,” Hanley said at the rally outside her office. “Not getting paycheques in time, it makes it hard. You have to pick through your savings.”
Isabelle Forrest, who also works for Fisheries and Oceans and is a representative of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, said she’s one of the least affected. Payments missed for her include a bonus for being bilingual that stopped several months ago.
“There’s a lot of [union] members that are affected quite extensively,” she said, saying she knows people who were on maternity leave who weren’t receiving payments.
She said most people have been patient but said the issues need to be fixed soon. The payroll system was originally intended to centralize payroll and save the government money.
Last month, the federal government announced it would spend $142 million over three years and hire 200 temporary staff to try to deal with the flawed system.
Marie Lemay, deputy minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, told reporters on June 2 that the department expects to hire 90 more people at its pay centre in Miramichi and 140 between offices in Shediac and Matane, Que.
Lemay said there was a growing backlog of payments due to new collective agreements for about 24,000 employees and the hiring of 5,000 summer students across the nation.
She said that means there are about 345,000 pay change transactions in the system, about 256,000 more than its average monthly capacity of 80,000 transactions.
The department said it does not sort statistics by province so cannot say how many employees in New Brunswick are still affected by pay issues. But near the end of the rally as pizza was handed out, most of those raised their hand when asked who was affected by the Phoenix issues.