PSAC Atlantic celebrates Asian Heritage Month

May is Asian Heritage month, a month when we celebrate the contributions workers from East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and Southeast Asia have made to our communities and to our union.  This month we also reflect on the sacrifices generations of Asians Canadians have made in this country and the adversity they have overcome.  Celebrations will take place during the month of May, as will discussion and debate around finding collective solutions to end systemic racism.

As the Director for Racially Visible Members on the Atlantic Regional Council and a proud union activist from Sri Lanka, I want to personally encourage all of our members participate in events taking place this month and to learn from fellow union members of Asian heritage.  I also want to take this moment to send a message of solidarity to PSAC members of Sri Lankan heritage who have been impacted by the recent tragic events in my home country.

This month PSAC will be highlighting the contributions members of Asian Heritage make to our union and profiling them on our national website and our national Facebook page.  I invite you to follow along.

In solidarity and celebration,

Neville David
Director for Racially Visible Members
Public Service Alliance of Canada – Atlantic