Protect Our Pensions! Lobby to defeat Bill C-27

Sisters and Brothers,

The Liberal government recently introduced Bill C-27, An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985.  This bill will allow for the creation of target benefit pension plans and is an attack on retirement security.  The Conservatives threatened this type of legislation, but now the Liberal government is actually pursuing it.

You will find below a list of our bargaining units that would be affected by Bill C-27.  Our members covered by the Public Service Superannuation Plan are not directly affected by Bill C-27, but it if passes, it will be that much easier for the government to move forward with similar changes to the Public Service Superannuation Act.

We need to lobby our MPs right away and ensure this Bill does not get adopted.  Please contact my office to make such arrangements.

Let’s protect retirement in dignity!  Let’s protect our pensions!

In solidarity,

Colleen Hodder
A/Regional Executive Vice-President, PSAC-Atlantic